Hello - My name is Shelagh Windsor-Richards. You can discover more about me on the page ‘About Shelagh’ but first I want to welcome you here and give you a bit of an overview of why I have set the website up. I love people and the most satisfying times in my work, as a coach and a spiritual director, are when people find ways to become more of their true self and feel empowered to fulfil their potential and overcome the obstacles that have been in the way of that. As I say that, I am imagining those Russian dolls where you have one inside another and you finally get to the little one that is no longer hiding inside the shells of the others. There are two areas in which I can offer you support:


Through coaching I empower people to make the changes they long for. This is done through a transformational programme of coaching, usually over a 12 week period as well as just a few sessions for a specific topic (e.g. job change).

For more information on the kind of coaching I offer, please click on the Coaching page.

Spiritual Direction

Spiritual direction is a way of meeting with someone - a spiritual director, (also called companion or guide) - to share your thoughts and reflections about your faith. 

As a spiritual director or companion I have specific skills in listening, helping you to consider and learn from your faith journey at a deeper level and to reflect on your relationship with God.

For more information about spiritual direction, please click on the Spiritual Direction page.

Photography provided by Martin Hull (Woodlands) and Jared Chambers (Waterfall)