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My name is Shelagh and I live in Hertfordshire and I am a mother, step-mother, aunt, grandmother and sister.  I understand family complexity!

In 1999 I moved into HR and, after a brief time in the corporate world, I decided to work in the charity sector. For 10 of those years I served on the senior leadership team of an international charity.

Earlier in life, I was a small business owner and ran a hotel, restaurant and post office.

I have a Master’s degree from the University of Bath and was trained as a coach with the Coaches Training Institute, which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

I have been a practising Christian since 1974 and my training in spiritual direction has been through Sustainable Faith. I am a Trustee of a Vineyard Church, serving on the prayer ministry and welcome teams and occasionally giving the Sunday morning talk.


You will notice that all these roles are people centred and I am committed to supporting people to discover and develop the fullness of themselves – whatever that may mean to them. So, whether you come to me for coaching or spiritual direction, you will have my full attention in a safe and confidential setting.

When I’m not journeying with people in coaching and spiritual direction or with family, you will most often find me in the garden. This is where I’m creating a space that people can come to refresh and relax. There are bees buzzing at the end of the garden as well. The small birds of the neighbourhood come to eat at my place and bring their friends. It is a joyful and centring thing to watch them. My eldest granddaughter, when about 5 years old, said to me - as we were gardening together - “Granny, you like to make things grow don’t you?” She is right; I love to see new growth - in my garden and in the people who come to see me for support.