
Individual coaching for specific events, times of change, challenging situations or long-term goals.

To help you get to where you want to go, I offer two coaching programmes:

  1. The Short and Sweet Programme offers three sessions to address a particular and/or urgent topic such as:

* a job application and interview

* a challenging issue at work or within your personal life

2. The Transformational Programme is delivered over the course of three months and includes powerfully focussed coaching calls. In this programme my role will be to strongly support you are we explore and uncover your deepest longings in life and how you might go about achieving them. We will find the blocks that hold you back and unlearn the old ways and get you into new ways that will fit like a glove. All this will contribute to you becoming your most aligned, effective and content self - the true you showing up at work, in relationships and life in all its fullness.

Empowerment is often what is needed for a transformational change. I’m on your side, creating the space for you to be heard and supporting you as you perceive the obstacles that have been in your way and giving you a coaching programme that will take you where you want to go.

I often have people confiding in me that they want to make changes but there may be people in their life who are dominant or they simply have fallen into a rut that moving out of seems impossible.  

In most cases, my coaching priority will be to support you to climb out of the self-imposed boundaries that prevent you from making the changes to your life that your heart yearns for.

My coaching programmes will be to help you achieve results by exploring with you the topic that most concerns you. Together we will clarify your goals – what do you really want? We will then examine your current context and the resources from which you could draw. After that we will discern your options. As we do this you will consider how serious you are about making the changes/taking the actions that may be needed.

As your coach I am not trying to ‘fix’ you or advise you. My role is to help you to tap into what is already there but perhaps lies dormant or camouflaged, enabling you to do and be more than you have thought possible. And there will be some accountability within the relationship as you go through what you have achieved between our meetings.

We will agree a programme of coaching over a defined period with agreed sessions and contact during that time.

I offer a free introductory session so that we can both assess if I would be the best person to support you.