“What is Spiritual Direction?”  Spiritual Direction is a pastoral relationship with a particular focus on a person’s relationship with God in day-to-day life.  It helps one to “...see what the Father is doing...” not just in a moment in time, but over time, through various experiences and periods of time in one’s life.  This kind of relationship is meant to assist someone in going deeper in their relationship with God, growing in attentiveness to His Presence, learning to hear His voice, and clarifying one’s vocational purpose, the truest version of themselves.  Eugene Peterson describes Spiritual Direction as: “...the pastoral work that is historically termed the cure (or care) of souls...The cure of souls, then, is the Scripture-directed, prayer-shaped care that is devoted to persons singly or in groups...(it) is cultivated awareness that God has already seized the initiative. God has been working diligently, redemptively, and strategically before I appeared on the scene, before I was aware there was something here for me to do.”

Often, we find ourselves caught in busyness and losing a sense of our centre. Spiritual direction allows one to pay attention to the still, small voice of God within as well as those things that are crying out from within us, yearning to be heard - questions we have for God, the longings of our hearts, the things we must lament - just to name a few.

I meet with individuals one-on-one at my home or via Zoom or Skype if the distance between us is too far.  Most sessions are every 4-8 weeks and are around an hour long, beginning with grabbing a drink of water, then a time of silence to assist you in bringing your attention to what is important for the hour.  Then we move into conversation when you are ready.  I will not direct the content of the conversation (you get to talk about whatever is on your heart!), but I will aid the conversation with questions, speaking out what I notice, and encouragement - as the Spirit leads.  It is a different kind of conversation - it is a patient conversation and there is a lot of space for silence or reflection.  It focuses on you and your life with God.

I am open to sharing about me and I may share parts of my life, particularly when they are relevant to you, and if you ever have anything you want to know - just ask! I’m an open book. But besides that, it will not be a typical back-and-forth conversation.  I believe that creating this sort of space for people is what God is calling me into.

Usually we close with a time of prayer (where I pray for you or you may feel led to say something yourself to God).  Last, we end with scheduling our next meeting.

I will cherish these conversations of consequence and I will pray for you in between visits.  I hope you experience the welcome of God in our time together and a growing faith for the work He is doing within you and around you.

I offer a free introductory session so that we can both assess if I would be the best person to accompany you.