Coaching Recommendations

  • Seeing Shelagh over a number of sessions was incredibly helpful, I can’t recommend her highly enough. We used live issues in my workplace, talking through and getting to the bottom of things, unpacking them step by step, making plans on how to move forward. Often a simple sentence from Shelagh would help me to see things from another perspective. The whole process has opened things up for me and brought a greater sense of empowerment and confidence. She gave me the tools and strategies I needed to handle challenging situations, which I was able to do at the time, but these tools will continue to be invaluable for the future. Shelagh has a lot of wisdom and insightfulness. I always came away from our sessions encouraged and feeling affirmed in who God has made me. Shelagh has a way of seeing more in you than you are aware of and drawing those things out. Such a great time and so invaluable. I highly recommend Shelagh as a coach! BB - Charity customer service

  • I worked with Shelagh over a number of weeks last year (2019). She helped me to unblock creativity at work, improve  communication methods  with colleagues and overcome confidence issues. This was certainly instrumental to me achieving my goal of a promotion, salary increase, better work relations and higher confidence levels. She has a relaxing and warm manner and can help you see options will have beneficial outcomes. Sessions were enjoyable too. A big plus. LP - Sales Manager

  • Shelagh brilliantly blends warmth and common sense - she’s kind, fun and a great listener, but she’s also thoughtful, practical and efficient. She’s great with managing and looking after people, offers wise and strategic advice and is endlessly patient. Anyone would be lucky to work with her or to benefit from her coaching! BJ - Communications Consultant

  • As an entrepreneur Shelagh has supported me during some difficult times both in business and personal matters. She was able to clearly prioritize and address which area to focus on next and suggested tangible and actionable steps, specifically relating to the tasks at hand. I can strongly recommend Shelagh as someone who is able to provide external and impartial support by helping guide your choices & goals whilst providing a clearer picture of what you are trying to achieve without holding back any ambition. She genuinely looks to identify the best in people and wants them to strive towards their potential. RH - Entrepreneur

  • Shelagh has helped to clarify my often hidden (to me at least) strengths and goals, providing focus, direction and a more enjoyable approach to my work and has equipped me with skills to coach myself. An invaluable contribution, I highly recommend Shelagh as a coach. AB - Consultant

  • Shelagh is highly insightful, intuitive and a great colleague to work with, not least because she seems to have an inexhaustible amount of patience and wisdom in dealing with difficult situations! Shelagh offers practical, spot-on advice and solutions. She's a real asset! CL - Charity Director

  • Shelagh is a committed professional with a high capacity to discern and understand the unique strengths and struggles of those she supports. She has the rare quality of walking alongside a wide range of staff and consultants, enabling each to grow through coaching to reach their full potential. I cannot recommend her highly enough for others who are considering utilising her skills and consultancy. You will not be disappointed, I promise you that! AD - Charity CEO

  • Shelagh is an excellent HR practitioner: I have witnessed and benefitted from her coaching, leading, teaching and mediation skills. I have no hesitation in recommending her to others. MS - Charity CEO

Spiritual Direction Recommendations

  • I’m so very blessed to have met Shelagh, my sessions with her have been priceless. My very first session I felt a release and freedom, I didn’t realise how much baggage I was carrying. I left that session lighter and knew I wanted further spiritual directions sessions. She shares her wisdom and also gives great opportunities for you to really encounter Gods love and grace. I have had the opportunity to have both spiritual Direction and coaching and would recommend her as a safe place to embrace God and go deeper. Ruth Conlon, Spiritual Director, Coach, Consultant

  • This has been quite an amazing adventure for me over the past year, with Shelagh’s very useful insights and thought-provoking questions. Shelagh is attentive to small details, often picking up on a phrase or a word when I shared, returning to it and asking open ended questions i.e. How do you feel about that? What was going through your mind when you responded in that way? Quite often I was amazed at what came out, but always in a good sense. Shelagh has always listened and encouraged me. The sessions just flew by. I can honestly say, through Shelagh, the Lord, who had been on my case and my side, knew that through this time, He would unravel things which had been suppressed for many years. Shelagh has allowed me to open the box which I had closed, locked and refused to even go there. I didn’t want to know! It was far too painful, but Shelagh encouraged me to open up the box and to gently explore things, unravel my feelings and has allowed me to come out the other side. Trauma, has gone - something which happened 40+ years ago, now has no hold on me! Through Shelagh, God has been able to do such a wonderful restoration in my life over many, many things. I would recommend Shelagh to you. You have nothing to fear, you will be restored and free to fly again. Thank you, Shelagh! JS - Florist

  • My time with Shelagh has been a time of spiritual growth and development. I can honestly say that I didn't know what to expect from spiritual direction but I had hoped to be able to connect at a deeper level and I wanted to be accountable to someone without judgement. I found safety in the environment in which we met. Sometimes I wouldn't know what to talk about but in the session, as I closed my eyes and sat quietly, God would paint an array of things that I would share with Shelagh. She has an amazing ability to explore these pictures. Many times my tears would flow as I felt the nearness of my creator and I always left our time together with a joy in my heart. I can't recommend Shelagh highly enough, she is unshockable, passionate about her work, gifted by God and a true delight to be around.            SJ, Florist, Former addict alcoholic