A trim or a restyle?

I’ve just been to the hairdresser for a trim. For the last 8 months I’ve been transitioning from my short hair cut, of the last 20 years, to something softer. I had to go through the mid-way stage when I nearly gave up because it looked so dreadful.

In your life or career, are you in need of a trim or a restyle? If the latter, is it an immediate and dramatic change or something where you know what you want but that it will take small, patient and persevering steps to get there? If it’s just a trim then some discernment needs to be engaged to ensure you get rid of what is no longer needed but do not go so far as to spoil what is working well. But perhaps you need a dramatic change and feel you can no longer tolerate what is and need to be courageous in stepping into something different, whether that change needs to be fast or slow.

All types of change require careful consideration of options - those perceived and those that are inviting you to consider them. Sometimes, just hearing your voice articulate what you want can be a reality check of what might be involved and where your heart’s desire truly lies.

I can help with the perceiving, the steps, supporting you to be courageous or persevering; so let’s have a call to chat it through?