There was so much in the news yesterday about problems with gas supply, and price, and the knock-on effects for farmers, businesses and households.

Those who study environmental issues learn that when something happened which upset and caused ‘chaos’ to the system, our clever environment, with all its plants and creatures, adapted. (Those scientists will then tell you that the world is having trouble in adapting fast enough to the changes humans are currently making – but that doesn’t fit with my message!)

When life throws a curve ball at us and it feels like our life has descended into chaos, we are given an opportunity to adapt. To find new ways of doing things or relating to people.

Steering your way through times of chaos can be daunting. That is where a coach can be so helpful. Our brain can become numbed when life seems to be disintegrating before our eyes; so observations and carefully crafted questions can help to untangle, settle the dust and begin to see a way forward.

Good CAN come out of negative situations, so don’t despair. Get a coach – preferably me!


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