The world seems in chaos.

Evil prospers when good people do nothing.

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

·       WHAT can we DO?

Please forgive me if I seem too blunt or to be pointing a finger – I’m aware that means three are pointing back at me; my musings and questions are for me and I’m sharing them with you.

I feel disenfranchised.

While it is my belief that most politicians start with good intentions and a deep desire to be of service, they are faced with choices which lead to compromise or colluding with those who have different values. We all need to be flexible but when that undermines our values, we stand on shaky ground. European politics are good in that we have regular elections but this also leads to short-term planning because there is always the fear of losing power.

·       What CAN we do?

Thousands of people choose to read ‘news’papers and magazines that pander to a base interest in gossip. I wonder why we are not heartily sick of this constant diet of lies, exaggeration and distortion. And those manipulations never seem to be positive do they? Questioners on news programmes appear to manipulate politicians into stating the worst possible outcome in any subject.

·       What can WE do?

There are choices we can make:

1.     To vote for those who espouse the values we look for in our decision-makers and hold them accountable when they fail.

2.     To see what we could contribute in our family, our workplace and our community to promote good values, ethics and integrity in how we behave and interact.

3.     To write to newspapers, social media platforms, magazines, radio and TV programmes and tell them when we are unhappy about what there are printing, airing and screening.

a.     And withdraw our custom. If we keep on buying, listening and viewing, they will justifiably say they are giving us what we want.

4.     To cease purchasing goods sellers who have questionable practices.

5.     To be honest with ourselves; our own failings so that we can show grace to others who are struggling.

What one thing will you do or stop doing, today, that will align you closer to living your values