On Saturday morning my daughter and I received a swarm of bees into our prepared hive.

SUCH excitement. The planning and dreaming of the last 2 years came to fruition.

4 hours later the queen took them away. The air was full of bees and the loud hum of the swarm. Then all was silent. They were gone. We felt bereaved. No explanation – it often happens. There will be another swarm.

Sometimes our disappointment is for a promotion not given, a job not offered, a relationship unfulfilled. When there is no explanation and we are not able to rationalise it, all we can do is accept it and turn our eyes to future possibilities. It’s hard to sit in unknowing.

If you feel you are living in unrelenting disappointment and it is making you heartsick, lift your eyes up and take heart from the strength of the trees who demonstrate the seasons of life so well. Letting something longed for go is tough but needs to happen to allow the new to come.