I recently listened to Dare to Lead Podcast | Brené Brown ( Well worth the hour to soak in the sound reasons for avoiding giving advice (a conversation with Michael Bungay Stanier, author of ‘The Advice Trap’). Here are just a few nuggets that resonated with me on the dangers of giving advice:

1.     You may be working on the wrong problem

2.     Your advice may not be as good as you think it is

3.     Hold the space for them to figure things out for themselves

4.     Help is the sunny side of control

As Michael says to Brené, “when people ask you for advice, every bone in your body wants to give it”. I identify with that. Probably that is my stuff – pride wanting recognition and respect. But I am a coach because I am dedicated to empowering others to be authentically themselves and live and work to their potential and fulfilment. This means my role is to facilitate them finding their own way forward.

Have a listen and let me know what thoughts and challenges resonated with you.