Hard on yourself?

Well are you?
How did that inner critic get a foothold?
We will have differing and also similar answers to that and my guess is that most of us, at least for some part of our lives, will suffer from this #self-critical plague.

My father was dedicated to wanting the best for his children and encouraged us to do better and work harder. Sadly, the impact on me was to feel that nothing I did was good enough.

You’ll be surprised to hear that I’m not perfect. No really, I’m not! My journey has, however, brought me to a place where I am better able to quietly put aside the unhelpfully critical voice because I know I’m working with the #skills and #experience I have, am fully committed and thoroughly enjoying my life. I’m not trying to be someone else’s idea of what I should be. Being fully myself, without having to apologise for what I’m not is a healthy place to be and from which to give.

Who is the #authentic, #true self that is you? My deep and widely exploratory #coaching questions can help you to #discover the answers that will bring #peace and #empowerment to your life and #satisfy and bring you #joy.

Who is trying to get out? - The human rights campaigner? Mechanic? Actor? Researcher? B&B host? Contact me so we can have a complimentary discovery call?