My attention was captured by this Mexican Feather Grass when I entered my local Sainsburys last week. I immediately wanted to run my fingers through the delicate looking leaves and decided I would treat myself to it.

After setting it up at home, I watched it moving in the breeze, seeming to mirror the larger actions of the giant weeping willow in a neighbouring garden. As I continued to watch I noticed my breathing slow and deepen and the pressure of the to do list lose its grip on me.

Finding something that aids your soul to rest and listen is important – do you hear the birds in the video? That rest is like a drink of cold water on a hot day. It refreshes and enables you to be more productive when you need to return to the tasks awaiting completion. Don’t ignore the call of your soul; it invites you to stop, rest and listen to the inner voice that encourages you into peace, joy, and gratitude.

Where or what helps your soul to rest? Nurture your soul’s health daily and notice the difference it makes to your wellbeing.

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