As I do, I’m pondering while looking out into the garden. Today I have 8 Greenfinches tucking into sunflower seeds. They come and go, as does a Woodpecker. The Blue Tits, Great Tits, Robins and Goldfinches are regulars. I have no idea why the greenfinches visit for a few days and then disappear for weeks. I don’t need to. I accept that is what they do and simply enjoy their presence when they are here.

I have some friends who do not keep in touch but on the rare occasions we meet up, it’s like we were together yesterday. I sometimes think it would be nice to chew the fat with them more often but accept that is the way they are. And that’s OK.

What might you need to simply enjoy for what it is rather than what you might want it to be?

What peace might be grown in your life if you embraced that acceptance?

If this simple post resonates with you and you’d like to explore it further, please get in touch. We can start with a taster session via either coaching or spiritual direction.