Slow, Silence, Solitude, Sabbath rest

I think this is a quote from John Ortberg:

"At this point in my life, I'm just trying to not miss the goodness of each day, and bring my best self to it."

Yes, we can plan for the future and learn from the past - but let's LIVE in the now.

I've just finished the book The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Mark Comer. Age, weight and joints may have slowed me down physically but the pressure to multi-task in our somewhat chaotic more, more, more world, is strong. Where are we in such a hurry to get to? What is the level of our fear of missing out? Let's do slow, simple, silence and solitude and take at least one day a week to really rest.

CV19 has brought about some enforced slowing down for many. Fewer deadlines to meet, activities to fit into an already packed life. For those self isolating there has been enforced solitude. I don't know about you, but I've enjoyed the increased silence with fewer planes and cars. What have you enjoyed about this period? Yes, some things will have been tough, but what have you ENJOYED?

And what have you learned? About life, yourself, those you care about? How will that learning impact you going forward?