On Friday I will have my ‘get out of Covid jail’ pass.

10 days of feeling rough.

10 days feeling concerned in case I passed the virus to someone else.

10 days when my daughter and grandson also fell ill and tested positive and feeling so bad that a 14 month old could only cry to say his head hurt, his eyes hurt, his tummy hurt etc.

On the day I tested positive I should have been getting my booster jab.

My daughter and I are double vaccinated, so we are grateful not to have had the full-blown version of this nasty thing.

We are grateful that we live next door to one another and have each other for company and support.

Grateful for the technology that allows us to speak with others via Zoom.

Grateful to have a garden.

Grateful for comfortable beds and sofas to sleep and rest on.

Grateful that we didn’t have a power cut after the recent storm (I’m an all-electric house).

Grateful for online shopping and grocery deliveries.

However you are feeling today and whatever your difficulties in life, write them down.

Then write down what you have to be grateful for – push into the corners of your life and you will find SO much more than you might notice at a first glance, because we just get used to things don’t we?

How do you feel after doing that little exercise?

Feeling grateful is positive. It doesn’t make the lethargy I’m currently experiencing go away but it is a lighter burden to carry when the wings of gratitude lift me.