#Jesus #coach #motives #attitudes #assumptions


Have you noticed that?

Maybe you are not familiar with any of the New Testament in the Bible. It is quite interesting to read how Jesus interacted with people and learn from His approach. Like coaches He asked a lot of questions:

·       “Who do people say I am?” Followed by “Who do you say I am?”

·       “Do you want to get well?” to the man who had been an invalid for 37 years.

·       “What are you looking for?” when two men were following Him.

·       “What do you want me to do for you?” to two blind men.

·       “Do you realise what I have done for you?” after He washed the disciples’ feet.

Jesus coaches those who listen to Him with questions that help Hi listeners to go deeper into their motives, attitudes and ways of living. He makes no assumptions even when the situation looks pretty obvious.

Which question captured your interest today?

What emotions or memories were triggered by it?