#daring #power #empowerment #perseverance #vision


I love this quote from Roosevelt. I first came across it when I was studying for my Masters, in my 50s, and writing about the power people exert over one another. I remember my tutor asking me “Where is your power Shelagh?” My immediate reaction was “I don’t have power”. That was my perspective because I was used to giving away my power and allowing others to exert it over me.

We all have power and can use it to empower ourselves and others or to compel others to do our will be using our power over them.

Where do you notice that you have power?

Power in what?

Power to do what?

Where do you want to be more powerful?

Powerful to do what?

It is important to know where your desire for power comes from. If you want power simply to be able to have your own way then ask yourself why you have that desire.

Unpacking this subject can be greatly helped by doing so with the support of a coach. Until I heard myself speaking about my power to my tutor (who was using coaching questions) I had not thought about having any power at all. This was the start of my personal empowerment. It had such a positive and affirming impact on my life that I would like to help many others into their empowerment in 2022.

Let’s dare greatly this year; individually and collaboratively. Let’s pick one another up and encourage each other on when things go wrong. Let’s persevere when facing obstacles along the path leading to our longed-for dreams and vision.

Happy New Year to you – whatever happens.