#hospitality #welcome #isolation #fear #encouragement


How do you practise hospitality – in your home, in your place of work and in your heart?

It seems to me there’s less of it about these days.

·       We have come out of several lockdowns.

·       We are fearful of being physically close to people.

·       We have got used to isolating in our home and working there.

·       We’re now accustomed to meeting via our computers or phones.

When we do meet, it is usually in a coffee bar. We don’t invite people into our home – our safe place. But it is much less personal isn’t it? If you chat with someone in their home context you feel you are getting to know more about them.

How about the stranger - the new person in our street or office or the refugee?

I remember my mother (several decades ago!) holding a coffee party for half a dozen friends plus the woman who had moved into the road. Then each of those friends did the same, including the new resident. It has always stuck with me – what a nice welcome she experienced and opportunity to get to know some people and begin to feel part of the community.

Before I commenced a building project, I had several neighbours round to show them the plans. The ones either side of me had lived there for 5+ years and it was the first time they had met each other.

Loneliness is quite a problem these days.

Low self-worth can inhibit creativity and professional development in the workplace.

·       How will you offer hospitality today and going forward? A warm, welcoming, hospitable heart that makes people feel welcome.

·       Who will you stop and chat to – perhaps someone you’ve seen often but not met or who sits alone in the cafeteria at work or in the congregation at church?

·       Developing a hospitable heart and home will enhance your life and bring encouragement to others.