#procrastination #coach #spiritualdirection #freedom #empowerment #choice


What causes you to procrastinate?

Can you identify whether it is being exacerbated by your physical, mental, emotional or spiritual health?

A coach can really help you to untangle this situation and support you as you decide the way forward.

Living in procrastination takes a heavy toll. Self-judgement, irritability, criticism from others waiting for you to DO something, opportunities being missed and potentially a damaging impact on relationships or work projects.

There may well be some good reasons for procrastination. Perhaps the project really shouldn’t go ahead but you don’t have the authority to stop it in its tracks. Or maybe your procrastination is to do with you not feeling empowered enough to be able to communicate your assessment of it to the manager. Maybe you are in a relationship that brings you no joy – whether romantic or a friendship. What needs to be explored to put some light onto the situation so you can make an informed choice about whether to work on it or let it go?

Freedom on choice is important. Being strong enough to make the tough choices may need you to learn some new ways of valuing yourself and expanding into the fullness of you. Here is a snippet from prayer by Elizabeth Edwards:

Expand me, O God. Do not let me settle for anything less than all that you created me to be.

I invite you to have a free session with me to assess if I might be a helpful companion on the journey.