I’ve been facilitating a weekly group in which we have been exploring how using our senses can enhance the way we relate to God. The learning can easily be transferred to any situation because the more we are in touch with the various ways of ‘being’ in this world, the greater our capacity will become receive in all areas of life.

So, what are you noticing through sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste?

I invite you to stop for 2 minutes; choose one sense and use it.

·       Notice what you experience.

·       How does it make you feel?

·       What memory does it stir?

·       What emotion is evoked from that memory?

As you go about your day, continue to be aware of what is impacting the particular sense that you chose. Tomorrow you might choose a different sense and over the coming week work your way through all the senses.

The group, with whom I have been exploring, have found that their ways of relating to God have been enhanced. There doesn’t need to be anything very complicated about this. It really does come down to increasing your ability to notice and making it a habit. Working, family and social relationships will be improved as your senses help you to notice the messages coming from body language that you see, tones of voice that you hear, a memory that a smell has brought, a touch that has comforted or a taste that has made you happy.

Living life to the full can be increased through savouring the 5 senses. Go on, give it a go!

Infographic by Vecteezy