When Change is Forced Upon You

Some changes that get forced upon us:

  • A house move - maybe by choice or required for a new job

  • Organisational restructure with associated changes in responsibilities

  • Returning from a year’s Maternity Leave and finding changes have taken place in your absence - perhaps due to changes that the person covering your maternity leave has made

  • Organisational downsizing, causing redundancies

  • A relationship that has come to an end

  • A bereavement causing heartache and the need to learn how to do those things your partner used to take care of

We all know that change is always happening, all around us. However, there are times when it seems to hit us harder because our emotions are affected - whether we want to admit it or not. Even if the change is also exciting, we will often have fears to be overcome.

I was walking recently with a client and we stopped to ponder by a large pond; the reflection of one of the trees seemed to call for my attention. I noticed that its reflection in the water made it seem larger than it was and that, when all said and done, it was just a reflection - a shadow if you like. Change can be a bit like that - the shadow it casts, temporarily, over our life is just that; a shadow. Looked at from a different perspective, it would change shape and quite possibly be something rather beautiful. This is why, in coaching, we will look at a situation from several perspectives. This brings a greater depth of understanding and increases the ability to see different options and possibilities, such as:

  • Creating a new home and making new friends

  • Looking at new ways of working that can use skills that have laid dormant

  • Considering what is important now that there is a baby at home

  • Asking yourself what you would like to do in life with the breathing space that redundancy pay would give you

  • Thinking about how you might be a more authentic version of yourself now that a destructive relationship is no longer causing you to tolerate what is intolerable

  • Gaining new skills and reaching out to those who want to support you and need your invitation to do so

Change may not always be easy but it can be sometimes and to some extent it will be what you make it. If change is in your life, reach out to me and let’s have a discovery call. I am on your side, determined to help you explore how to make the most of the changes and always empathetic when your heart is hurting in the midst of it all.