How do you #celebrate the #successes of your staff or your family members when you are also aware that there are some in that grouping who will probably never be the one who will ‘qualify’ for that celebration?

In one organisation I worked in we had a monthly ‘Achiever’ award. After a while, I became aware that some members of staff felt #overlooked and #undervalued. What started as a staff #engagement/recognition initiative was being perceived negatively. I questioned myself:

1.     How do you give an achiever award to someone who consistently does good work but, because of that, doesn’t stand out in a particular month?

2.     Some people fulfil their job without going the extra mile; but that’s OK isn’t it? They may be taking care of their work-life balance.

3.     Then there are those who get by, do their best, but never shine – how do you encourage them?

Perhaps the name of the award was the problem. Everyone has something to offer that can be appreciated – maybe rename it the ‘Appreciation Award’. Appreciate generosity of time or effort; kindness and support; a project finished; a report well received etc., etc.

Words are powerful and intentions easily misunderstood; let’s communicate well and consider possible unintended consequences when we initiate an idea.
