To keep roses flowering, you need to remove the blooms that have started to drop their petals. This prevents energy going into making seed heads and encourages new flowers to form.

How is your life’s garden?

Are you knowingly keeping a spent flower because you WANT to foster some seeds to make new plants?

If not, what are the areas of life/work that have given their beauty but now need to be cleared away to encourage other parts to grow?

How are those faded blooms masking the beauty of the emerging buds or simply hindering new growth?

As your coach I have some great questions that will help you identify what is getting in the way of your life blossoming with fresh fragrant blooms of ideas and actions to make them happen! That’s why we call an initial, complimentary, conversation a ‘discovery’ call. Often in that first session, you will identify something that needs to be ‘deadheaded’.

Don’t put off clearing away the things that are holding you back. Get in touch.
