Who was the best line manager you ever had?
I bet they displayed the following 10 attributes:
1. They knew the name of your partner (+children and pets) and your hobbies
2. They were approachable and listened to you
3. They had regular one to one meetings with you.
4. They were clear about the #expectations of your role
5. They discussed and agreed your short-term #objectives with you
6. They gave you helpful #feedback about your #performance which encouraged you to be honest with them about things that didn’t go well
7. They were interested in your professional development and provided #opportunities for you to #learn
8. They gave #praise when you did well
9. They were #honest about their own mistakes
10. They generally led by example.
It is a sad fact that few organisations give specific training on line management when they promote their staff into such a role, or recruit someone who hasn’t had that experience.
If you are a new or struggling line manager, I’d like to give you a free discovery call because I can help you #transform the situation and become a great line manager. No more worries in the night about how to do your job! Time to invest in your own professional development. Please get in touch.
#linemanagement #professionaldevelopment #coaching