How’s that going for you?

We are at work for too many hours per week to not enjoy most of it.

Just as a plant in the wrong kind of soil will gradually die, so a person in the wrong job or context will fail to thrive.

Are you drowning? Are you dried out or feeling bored?

Maybe you have talent that is being overlooked but you don’t know how to make that obvious.

You can change the situation.

First of all there needs to be a review of the job to evaluate whether it is a good fit for you, whether there is potential or whether you are simply a good plant in the wrong soil.

This sort of situation is frequently the subject people bring to coaching. Sometimes you are too close to see the wider perspective.

In my previous role in HR I always looked for how good a fit a job was for the talents and personality of the candidate. It is not just about getting the job done; it is about putting job and person together so that both thrive.

So are you in the wrong job or organisation? I found that changing from the corporate to the charity sector gave me much more connection to my values and was worth the drop in salary. However, you may not have that kind of option open to you. Context and commitments are important to examine as well.

If you’d like to unpack some aspects of this, please get in touch.