Hmmm – what does that mean for you?

I often read blogs where people talk about being free to be themselves.

Free is a powerfully loaded word isn’t it?

What feelings come up for you as you savour it?

Most of us have periods in life when we feel hemmed in – by circumstances or, possibly, fear. Perhaps those two overlap.

Your soul may long to live freely but you shrink back from making a start, because you don’t know where or how to begin even articulating what it means for you at this stage. You just have a yearning that needs to be heard and addressed.

So my big question is - - - how strong is your desire to live freely?

May I help you to explore what freedom is for you - to include becoming your whole self? There may be bumps and bruises to endure along the way as you make changes. But they will heal.

I can support you to decide on the practical steps you will take to achieve such a state of being. The first session is free so why not give it a try?