Hard frost: beautiful but treacherous as you can’t be sure how slippery footpaths and roads will be.

Blue Sky and sunshine: Now you can see clearly; it’s like God has used a highlighter pen to draw your attention.

Are you in that hard frost time?

Do you think the way ahead looks wonderful but you fear that there could be dangers?

How do you balance going for your dreams when an opportunity arises against the possible pitfalls?

One good way is to talk it through with a coach. With the support of someone trained to explore such matters, you can assess the opportunities, potential dangers and, through examining your values and deeply held dreams, ensure that the thing you desire is in alignment to the real you.

Are you making the most of blue sky and sunshine times?

As the saying goes, make hay while the sun shines. You will be energised in this season and your perceptions and discernments razor sharp.

What might trip you up, at such a time, would be taking on too much!

Having a handful of sessions with a coach will help you to prioritise and then choose what you will take on and what you will leave so that your work life balance is safe.