What gives you joy?

When is the last time you experienced joy?

It’s Advent – when the Christian church prepares for Christmas – and I have been reading the Nativity stories. What has struck me anew this year is the ecstatic joy that the angels, shepherds and, later, the wise men experienced.

‘The shepherds returned to their flock, ecstatic over what had happened.’

‘And when they saw the star, they were so ecstatic that they shouted and celebrated with unrestrained joy.’ (The ‘Wise Men’_

I’d love to know what gives you joy. I know things are hard - seeing news broadcasts of children in Yemen suffering starvation makes me cry - yet in the midst of tough situations there will be joy to be experienced. It could be something as simple as a blackbird singing in your garden. For me it is the joy my 15-month-old youngest grandson gives me – especially now he is over chickenpox AND Covid! We laugh and play and cuddle.

What about you? Please share your joy. Noticing and sharing positive things has the lovely effect of increasing the impact and encourages others to notice their joys too. I heard yesterday from friends who are part of a group where the leaders have a real gift of encouragement. No criticism is expressed, just verbal affirmation of what is going well. My friends are feeling the joy of being in that culture.