It is said that when the chicks of eagles are reaching the stage of learning to fly, that the parents start to ‘stir up the nest’. They pull out a twig here and there so that the comfy home the eaglets have been used to becomes less so. The parents flutter over the nest with food that is just out of reach to encourage them out of the nest.

This morning I pondered on the many times in coaching that clients have brought their ‘stirred up nest’ situations to me. Sometimes it was a sense that things just didn’t seem right or to be as good as they used to be or that they recognised that they were being ‘called’ out of their comfort zone.

Discernment is needed at such times to know if the restlessness is about changes needed in the person or in their situation.

How’s your nest today? What is the nest that is getting stirred up? Career, relationships? Maybe a change of location or the dream to start up your own business? I’d love to support you in your discernment so that you can be brave but not foolhardy, wise and realistic as you consider, make decisions and take action. Let’s have a complimentary discovery call so you can start to articulate what is stirring.