
Vision and Direction


I’ve just been with a small group of friends, discussing my vision and the things that could get in the way.

As we talked, I had a new idea of how the direction of travel to the vision could be different.

My vision is to be able to have people come to my home and, particularly, the garden, for a quiet day. Perhaps having some coaching or spiritual direction from me during the day. But mostly to rest and get a sense of the peace that is beyond human understanding.

The humour of the situation is that my garden is surrounded by 9 others. One has a baby, one a 5-year-old, one is a child-minder and there are three girls who like screaming on a trampoline. Hmm, quiet days.

I wonder if my vision might be reached in an alternative way. Maybe the baby next door, my grandson, will be the means of my meeting worn out mums and grandparents who’ve lost their sense of identity in retirement. Perhaps they will need a cup of tea and an attentive listener and the sounds of children playing won’t matter.

Problems in the journey towards realising a vision may not be the detour or block you perceive; it might be that while you caught the vision, you just needed to adjust the pathway to achieving it. I could help you unpack this.