Tantrum to Insights

I didn’t start last week well (sorry for a bit of repetition from Tuesday’s post but I’ve reflected further and have more to say). You know how it is when a LOT of small things that do not get resolved wear you down? Well here were some of the contributing factors:

  1. The lawnmower came back from a service and, when I started it, black smoke puffed out and it stopped working so is now back with the service people

  2. The laptop and printer won’t talk; HP sent me a new printer but the new one is also not communicating so I guess it has to be a laptop problem; still unresolved

  3. The shower leaks; waited for the plumber who said it’s the seal and crack in grouting so a tiler is needed - not found one yet who can come before February

  4. This is the big one - my vision of creating a garden for quiet days and retreats needs some landscaping and I’m too arthritic to do it all

  5. I couldn’t find the power cable for the printer and searched high and low for 2 days

So on Monday it all came to a head and I angrily asked God why He wasn’t helping me. I felt very sorry for myself.

The thread running through all of this is that they were all problems that I couldn’t fix. I needed help.

The second point is that I found the missing cable a couple of days after my tantrum; it was exactly where it should have been but was cunningly disguised by being muddled up with another cable - so I didn’t see it.

It was time to coach myself. My question was “What are these frustrations teaching you Shelagh?” And my insights were:

  1. We all need help from time to time. It is often pride that stops us from admitting it. It is nice for people to be able to help - that’s what fosters collaboration and grows a compassionate society.

    • I decided to reach out via a neighbourhood website and two people have offered to come and help with the heavy garden work

  2. Sometimes we don’t see what is right under our nose. It might be because we are so caught up in what is going wrong that this blurs our vision. Or perhaps we just can’t discern between the good and the best of different options

So what are you tolerating? What are the frustrations in your life? What is the vision that seems beyond your reach to bring into being? What might you be missing as you look without discernment?

I’d love to work with you as your coach to help you transform your situation. It might be a big change that is needed or something subtle - like the small movement of a boat’s rudder that takes you to a very different destination.

Message me and tell me what going on in your life; I listen attentively, reflect back what I hear for clarity and ask questions that will crack open issues to their heart and root and stand with you as you decide how to move forward.