My garden has been waterlogged since the autumn, so I need to make changes such as

planting some soggy-mud-loving plants and putting those that need good drainage into pots.

Placing a plant is easier than a person because people don’t always tell you if they are struggling. Covid forced us to adapt to working from home and now there’s more change to come as many employees wish to work flexibly in the office and at home.

How are you coping?

What worries are keeping you awake at night?

What about motivational team issues?

What is the quality of communication?

Who doesn’t feel part of the team (e.g. those who joined during lockdown)?

Who longs for a return to those spontaneous chats over coffee and the related peer learning?

If you are a leader – what strategies need to be put in place to ensure the organisation is going to survive, that staff will be committed to its vision and mission and to one another?

So much to think about and decide upon when you are still reeling from changes that have already taken place.

As your coach, I can help you to consider the present and the future strategically, creatively and compassionately. Let’s have a complimentary call to give you a taste of the efficacy of coaching.


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