Overlooked and undervalued

Is that how it feels?

There are many roads out of that predicament. As so often is the case, some self-reflective questions are helpful in opening up the thinking and perspectives of the situation.

At one point in my life I felt so disempowered and disrespected, that when I changed jobs and my new colleagues asked my advice or gave me affirmation, I looked over my shoulder to see who they were talking to! This leads me to ask you - if you are feeling overlooked and undervalued - are you in the best role and organisation for the skills, experience and overall ‘gifts’ you have to offer?

Are your feelings based on fact or are they like an old coat that needs to be thrown away and another one bought - one tailored to your size and shape - metaphorically speaking :-)

As a wise person once said - find out what you love to do and then find a way of earning a living at it. While that good advice doesn’t always work in practise, there will be elements of what gives you satisfaction and brings joy and peace to your soul, that can be as transferable as the skills you have.

Or perhaps it is time to be going in a whole new direction - your own business, or retraining. Oh the options are limitless and, as your coach, I can support and encourage you as you examine them.