

A few days ago, I realised that I am happy.

I felt surprised by the fact.


Two thoughts came to me:

1.     I was brought up to value the truth. So when people ask how I am, in recent years my response would be “Fine thanks, apart from the arthritis”. The positive was always  depleted by feeling I needed to show what wasn’t good as well as what was. Don’t boast Shelagh or make anyone think your life is a piece of cake!

2.     I don’t think I’ve ever FELT quite so happy. The things that are not positive are not dampening this feeling.

What has changed?

My life is now fulfilling without being overly stretched or under pressure.

The work I do, family support I give and garden I tend, are hugely satisfying.

I’ve lived a life of spinning plates and this is the first season when I can savour the moment. I recognise that I really don’t like rushing. I don’t like being under pressure. Is that age and stage or was it always so? I believe it has always been so and I didn’t recognise it.

How are you doing?

What might you learn about yourself by reviewing your pace of life? Lockdown pressed a pause button for many – what did you notice?

Taking time to reflect on your life can be time well spent. If you’d like to chat this through, let’s have a complimentary discovery call.



Sometimes, particularly when we are under a LOT of #pressure, we go onto #auto-pilot. Life is too full, too discombobulated (!) and we stop #engaging. We don’t notice the colleague who is #struggling or the child or partner who wants our attention. Life is sucking the life out of us and all we can do is go through the motions. We may be short-tempered, forgetful and uncommunicative.

Does any of that resonate? The good news is that this state of affairs no longer needs to be tolerated – you just need a little help for a while to get the wind back in your sails.

I often begin my work with a new client by #encouraging them to do some quality #noticing. To demonstrate what I mean, I describe the difference between scratching the back of my hand with my nails and then imagining doing so with a graze on my hand. Ouch. The latter experience would be intense. Then I ask my clients to start actively noticing what energises them and what saps their enthusiasm – in all areas of life – so that their true self emerges.

There is always a way out of the numbness of #coping rather than #thriving. Don’t struggle on your own anymore; contact me for a #discovery call so you can start to see how #coaching can help you to leave winter behind and get a #spring in your step.