

A few days ago, I realised that I am happy.

I felt surprised by the fact.


Two thoughts came to me:

1.     I was brought up to value the truth. So when people ask how I am, in recent years my response would be “Fine thanks, apart from the arthritis”. The positive was always  depleted by feeling I needed to show what wasn’t good as well as what was. Don’t boast Shelagh or make anyone think your life is a piece of cake!

2.     I don’t think I’ve ever FELT quite so happy. The things that are not positive are not dampening this feeling.

What has changed?

My life is now fulfilling without being overly stretched or under pressure.

The work I do, family support I give and garden I tend, are hugely satisfying.

I’ve lived a life of spinning plates and this is the first season when I can savour the moment. I recognise that I really don’t like rushing. I don’t like being under pressure. Is that age and stage or was it always so? I believe it has always been so and I didn’t recognise it.

How are you doing?

What might you learn about yourself by reviewing your pace of life? Lockdown pressed a pause button for many – what did you notice?

Taking time to reflect on your life can be time well spent. If you’d like to chat this through, let’s have a complimentary discovery call.

Approaching the end of 2020

Time for reflection isn’t it?

What have you done?

What have you left undone?

How will you want to look back on 2021? Yes, I know we will still have restrictions, but we will continue to be able to make choices that will impact the present and the future. So what will be important to do and be in the coming year?

There have been times in this odd year when it has been too easy to ‘let things go’ - do you agree? But that lack of energy can become a habit and dull the senses to what is good and positive.

So I am resolved to reflect over the coming week on what I really, REALLY want for the coming year. For me, I know it will be around how I engage, in whatever I do, with quality. Letting all my senses savour the positive aspects and learning from what upsets or challenges me. And also to learn a new rhythm that will suit the changes I have made and aid peace of mind.

I remember someone talking to me about losing weight. After she had reached her target she allowed herself the occasional treat. However, she only went for quality. An expensive and exquisite chocolate; a croissant that was light and crisp. Not for her was a cheap old bar of chocolate or a flabby croissant. She savoured quality in her choices.

How might you want to experience living life to the full in 2021? Perhaps you will be able to take your first steps towards the kind of living your heart yearns for.

  • What will you no longer do that was taking your time without giving anything back?

  • What are you holding onto that you know is not healthy for you - what you watch, read, eat, or a relationship?

  • What are you tolerating?

I have many more questions to help you unlock how you can live life to the full. Do message me and we can arrange to have a complimentary call..