
Blowing my Trumpet

Nobody likes to hear someone boasting do they? However, when you are looking for a coach with whom you can feel comfortable, most of us would prefer to hear what their past clients have said about them. That way they can see if any of the comments made resonates with them. So here are some extracts taken from recommendations from my former clients. If you feel drawn by anything said and are wondering if a coach could help you in your current situation, please contact me for a complimentary call to explore if I might feel like the right fit for you.

  • I worked with Shelagh over a number of weeks She helped me to unblock creativity at work, improve  communication methods  with colleagues and overcome confidence issues. This was certainly instrumental to me achieving my goal of a promotion, salary increase, better work relations and higher confidence levels. She has a relaxing and warm manner and can help you see options will have beneficial outcomes. Sessions were enjoyable too. A big plus.

  • Shelagh has helped to clarify my often hidden (to me at least) strengths and goals, providing focus, direction and a more enjoyable approach to my work and has equipped me with skills to coach myself.

  • Shelagh is a committed professional with a high capacity to discern and understand the unique strengths and struggles of those she supports. She has the rare quality of walking alongside a wide range of staff and consultants, enabling each to grow through coaching to reach their full potential.


As a coach it is an important part of my work with people to distinguish between the barriers that hold them back and the boundaries that are needed.

For example - there was a mother, whose influence over her adult daughter resulted in the daughter having no boundaries. Whenever what she wanted conflicted with her mother’s wishes, she did what her mother wanted. It went beyond that because her behaviour was inhibited by what she assumed her mother might think.

Who is influencing your decisions? When do you find yourself saying ‘yes’ when you want to say ‘no’? How often do you feel angry at yourself for the way you let others dominate you - even when you know that is not their conscious intention.

The good news is that setting healthy boundaries can be learned. And with the help of a coach (pick me!) you can establish boundaries both in your personal relationships and at work. You will gradually take responsibility for what is within your boundaries and not be laden with those that belong to others. You will be free to make choices that fit with your vision, intentions and values. You will define who you are and who you are not and develop your ‘no’ muscle. Your empowerment will mean you will longer retreat into blaming others or feeling like a victim. You will respond rather than react and deal with others with grace - accepting them for who they are - while persevering to walk tall as the real you.

Let your light shine

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” ― Marianne Williamson

This is a very important quote for me and explains my purpose in being a coach. Nelson Mandela also used it in a speech when he became President. In my work I want every client to be liberated into letting their own light shine. Start your journey into self-liberation and out of playing small by having a free discovery call with me.

Out of control

That’s what it feels like to me when watching the videos of the behaviour of Trump supporters last Wednesday. Now there is fear about what might happen over the coming week.

Then we have the Covid virus that seems to be out of control. The vaccine will win but we have a way to go before it does.

So how are you doing? Does your life seem out of your control at the moment? Does fear or anxiety wake you up in the night?

I’ve worked with many people who, for one reason or another, have felt that they were not in control at home or at work, either because they were not heard or because their lack of confidence made them defer to others all the time. So their ideas were taken forward by those others who got the praise or difficult situations were made worse because their suggested approach was talked down.

Coaching is empowering and I would love to work with you to help the true you step up and out into your power, calling and gifting. Don’t tolerate your situation any longer; contact me for a complimentary discovery call to get a taste of the power of coaching. I’m for you.

What behaviours from others would you like to be vaccinated against?

I’m curious - what are your suggestions?

What ‘vaccine’ would help you to be healthier in body, mind, emotions and spirit?

I would choose to have a vaccine that would protect me from the behaviours of people who are: #bullying, #controlling, #unkind, #disempowering, #selfish.

Christmas will be different this year, of course, and life will continue to be restricted for several months. So what are we hoping for? Christmas is a season when we get the family films, gifts exchanged, meals eaten with family and friends. All that will be a bit different this year. I’m usually with at least 16 family members but this year there will be 7.

What is is usually like for you? Tempers can get frayed and some may show their unkind or selfish side. Some will want their own way - who has the remote control and decides on what to watch in your family gatherings after the meal and walk?

As we think of this different Christmas and what we hope for, what are you noticing by reflecting on Christmases in the past? What nice things might have a chance to show themselves?

How will you decide to ‘be’? If there’s a controlling person amongst you, how will you choose to show up without a vaccine to protect you? What courage will you decide to demonstrate to prevent them doing a take over?

I hope that none of us will feel the need for a vaccine against negative behaviours and that we will enjoy one another’s company at a deeper, more relational and positive level.

If you’d like to have a discovery call with me and use it to talk through how you will be empowered to fully enjoy your Christmas with the people you spend time with - do get in touch.