
Humility is the oil

A friend of mine is enjoying reading the book “Remarkable” by Dr R Ross and D Salyers, which is described as a leadership parable. I was intrigued by some of the quotes she cited:

“Humility is the “oil” that allows you to shift smoothly into growth gear”. So how would you describe humility in this context? (Note that I haven’t read the book so I’m taking quotes out of context). I think this is the leader who listens attentively to the team. This kind of leader isn’t a know-it-all; they are constantly curious and willing to be flexible.

“Where trust is high, resistance is low, therefore change and progress come quickly.” When you feel heard you develop trust. You don’t have to fight or strive. Along with your colleagues you will come to decisions and that flow will enable progress.

“A compelling culture is created when people:

  • believe the best IN one another;

  • want the best FOR one another;

  • expect the best FROM one another.”

Expectations are so important. They give clarity and we can gain confidence as a result. That compelling culture is one I think we’d all like to work in. It’s interdependent and encouraging.

Do you want to be that kind of a leader? Now is the time to start developing your leadership skills. I’m here to help you explore how you can be the oil in the works. Get in touch to start the journey.

Learning from babies

They learn so FAST. My youngest grandson is 4 months old. Each DAY he learns something new. Today’s development was reaching for something and using both hands to get it to his mouth. He had to keep trying and he succeeded - though he hasn’t yet caught onto the fact that you have to let go, otherwise what you lifted to your mouth comes out again!

We get slower in learning as time goes by but what is important to remember is to keep trying. Don’t give up. Build your ‘muscles’ as you learn new things. Don’t be embarrassed about the failures on the way. Celebrate the progress. AND - learn how and when to let go.

Some years ago I knew someone who had not passed his probation in a finance job. Family had expected him to go into that line of work but it was not his strength. He found it really difficult to let go and discern where his true strengths lay. Are you holding onto an ambition that is a poor fit? When you work to your strengths it is SO much easier; you will find life begins to flow; you won’t be so exhausted and have more energy to give to the rest of life.

I’d love to help you explore your strengths so that you can be set free to flourish in all aspects of life. Please contact me for a complimentary discovery call for your first breakthrough.